Wednesday, May 29, 2013

If men can have rights , why can WOMEN ?

                                                   (Photo taken from

Women in Afghanistan are fighting for human right and social organization. Women do  not  have a voice . Women get treated differently than men. “Woman just like us are not allowed to work, nor get educated. Women like us cannot even leave their homes. Women are permitted to wear a chadri at all times , which is a shroud which covers the woman's whole body. Women are not allowed to show any of their skin to anyone , except their family.”  In Afghanistan , Taliban's a ground of people that is trying to take over the government.They are also watching every move that a women does.”Talibans made a rule saying if you are married to someone , that person can sex with you even if you do not want to. In other words women were and still are getting raped. Talibans beat women if they see them on the street , or without their chadri. Women that are even pregnant will even get beaten , just because of a chadri. To this day Talibans abuse women , and mistreat them. Men were allowed to get educated , they worked supported women, women can support themselves as well. Don't they say we are all equal? Women can do the same things as men. Taliban's shouldn't hold no rule in Afghanistan . Things should be equal !” (Gayle Tzemach Lemmon - chapter 1-3)

In Afghanistan , before the Taliban came to power, women were active members of the educational system as students and teachers.There were 70 percent of teachers in the capital of Kabul in 1996. “In the five year rule women’s rights to education were revoked. The Taliban dismantled Afghanistan’s co-educational system, transforming many of its former state-run girls’ schools into all-male institutions.Afghanistan has one of the world's worst literacy rates, estimated by UNICEF at between three to four percent for females and 28 percent for males.” ( Women should get the right to get an education. I'm pretty sure if women were to have the right to get an education Afghanistan wouldn't have the worst literacy. As a woman myself I love learning new things, Women in Afghanistan must be depressed .  Women protest and spoke up to have their rights. “In April 2009,  300 women protesters demanded that the government in Kabul appeal  a repressive new law that went so far as to permit women to get rape. They were publicly harassed and labeled “whores”. Around the world, many women were observers were outraged. The law seemed to signal a return to the kinds of policies that the Taliban had instituted when it ruled Afghanistan—when the burqa stood as a haunting symbol of the regime’s subjugation of women.” ( ) . If women do not want to be touched , they shouldn't get touch .Us woman should be respected , no one wants to get raped from their own husband. In afghanistan women should have a word to say how they feel.The Taliban’s strict social code marginalized the role of women in the public by confining them to their private homes and enforcing the wearing of the burkha’s (chadri) a garment covering the entire body with only a mesh(small opening for the eyes) window to see through. Some Afghan women have traditionally worn the headscarf , not until the Taliban’s regime that a dress code or punishment for its violation was imposed by the state. During the summer women wouldn't want to wear their chadri , its to hot . Women should atleast get the right to put have some parts of your body shown , women can at least just put the headpiece to cover their head.

In the book Dressmaker of khair Khana , a young woman named Kamila been through a lot with supporting her family. Kamila is dealing with a lot of things, now that her father and brother had to leave. Kamila is also is trying to get freedom of speech for women. Kamila and her family were not permitted to leave their home, work, nor get educated. Taliban announced that women are permitted to stay home.( Gayle Tzemach Lemmon , chapter 2). Kamilas mother snuck out , to take her son to the doctor. She had to sneak out because she didn't have a chadri on , she also never owned one. While she was in the doctor she oversaw a Taliban beating a woman because she was didn't have a chadri on. Kamilas mother was afraid if a Taliban would see her because she didn't have a chadri on , also her mother was pregnant.  Women should not be afraid to go out their own homes. Women shouldn't be afraid of leaving their own homes. Kamila stays at home reading books to not get bored with her friends , that sneak out from their homes in the neighborhood.(Gayle Tzemach Lemmon chapter 2)

As a woman myself I do not want to see women suffering. I would join the Rawa club that women named Martyred Meena created in1977, for women can gaining the right of freedom of expression and conducting political activities.”It helped give a voice to the deprived and silenced women of Afghanistan. I will help the women that have their secret business around their neighborhood .  Meena also established Watan Schools for refugee children, a hospital and handicraft centers for refugee women in Pakistan to support Afghan women financially. I will join Meena and help support the women with their education. Donate money to support women. I will get students to donate supplies that do not use ,donate the supplies to kids in Afghanistan that don't have any. ( try and help those in need and help them get in education we get each and every day. Everyone want to have at least an education to get a great job in the future. Women out their help the women in Afghanistan get at least a job. Don't you think?

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