Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Haiti Needs Your Help to stand up again!
by: Anabel Serrano
(source:Haiti Earthquake: 3 Years After ‘The Big Truck That Went By’)
The earthquake in Haiti occurred at 4:53pm on Tuesday, 12 January 2010. The earthquake was a total destruction to an entire country in just seconds. A country which was a normal one, not famous or either strong, a country that maybe was unfair to go to an earthquake but we cannot do anything to prevent earthquakes to happen, just help the needed. After the earthquake, the whole country was devastated, people without houses, people without their families, people that one way or another lost a family member, children without their mother, children crying, women and men screaming for help and wishing that was only a nightmare, the streets were just commentaries where you could see the bodies one in top of another.  

(Source: Huffpost World: A Haitian woman waiting for a taxi in Port-au-Prince looks at earthquake damage on January 9, 2012)
In fact, Haiti is one of the world’s five poorest countries nations. After the earthquake, there wasn’t any communication, electricity, water; hospitals did not have enough material t procedure any surgery.  Each mom has about 4-6 children which is basically bringing children to suffer into the world of poverty. 60% are unemployment and the money entering per person is just about $ 250. This is basically as saying that Haiti did not have anything except the hope for someone to help them. Also Haiti had to work hard to stand up little by little because they couldn’t just wait until other countries help them.

Churches are doing their best to help people and try to give them a good health every day to more than 80 000 inhabitants.” According to Hans Veeken, it explains Haiti as was when the earthquake happened for us to understand how much Haiti needed help and was desperate for a miracle to happen and open eyes and realize it was only a dream, but it wasn’t, it was real. Haiti as a poor country and turned out to be even more poor to the point that the country had no laws or rules to follow, people were in their own. Haiti had no telephones, no communication, no electricity, women bringing babies to that world full of illness and danger everywhere. Just imagine your city without all those things only for one day. What would you do?

There has been a lot of center and organizations in which people have been helping a lot for example: Oxfam. Oxfam is an organization in which help 500,000 Haitians by giving them a place to sleep, fresh water, medicine, food and supporting other organizations to help Haitians together. Also the united nations as always gets involved there as a good help. According to the United Nations Haitians still needs a lot of help but people are doing their best to help, it takes a lot of times to rebuild a country. There are still people suffering for example: “This includes the 358,000 people still in camps, 500,000 people who are food insecure and around 73,500 children less than 5 years of age facing malnutrition.” But the good news is that people from Haiti are also helping rebuild better and safer neighborhoods for a better environment free of aids.
(source:Tuberculosis and cholera
have broken out in recent times in Daru 
in Papua New Guinea which lies about 
10km from Australia's borders. Photo:
Jason South)

As we know there is not just tuberculosis which is the most of what people talks but there is cholera and that’s why PIH is helping Haitians. The organization of PIH have been also helping since 2010 when the earthquake ended by giving medicine, vaccines against more aids and preventing cholera and also checking for tuberculosis which is killing most of the Haitians.
According to Kidder, Tracy, when the farmer when to Haiti he saw a lot of different kind of ways to help. Those ways to help is by taking a group of people and try to find a cure for the tuberculosis but as he says “Giving people medicine for TB and not giving them food is like washing your hands and drying them in the dirt” (Mountains Over Mountains, 34). They can find a cure but who else gives food for them to be healthy.

(source: Help Haiti: google-images)
What students can do to help Haiti is by sending clothe that they don’t wear. Maybe it helps a lot or
donating money. It doesn’t have to be a lot but a little can make a huge difference. Students can also make bake sales to raise money and send it to Haiti. It can help children to have something to eat every day. Students can also make a walk for Haiti which will help to raise money and make a lot of people realize how much Haiti is in need for help. Student can also watch and read more about Haiti and see how hard life is for them over there so we can have that example and help each other to live in a better place/ environment around us.


  1. I really like how you started it out with the earthquake, and didn't completely give away much at first so the reader wanted to continue reading. Also your use of logos is really interesting.

  2. It was unfair that Haiti was hit. They weren't doing well before the earthquake anyway. Unlike Japan Haiti wasn't able to recover quickly and the Op-Ed shows that.

  3. It was very unfortunate for Haiti to get hit with an earthquake since they were one of the world's 5 poorest countries. I like how you went in depth and you really touched people's feelings, and I appreciate how you want to get individuals to help Haiti recover.

  4. your pathos are very good, i really like this op-ed is very well done. your topic is really sad and i like the you included all those information.
