Thursday, May 30, 2013

Taliban takes full control of Women rights

    Over more than a million women and young girls in Afghanistan have been excluded from working, education and human rights. Due to the regime of the Taliban that took control of Herat in 1994 leading to the control of Kabul in 1996 where then at that time the Taliban decided to strip women from their human rights.
    The Taliban an extremist militia seized control of Kabul on September 27,1996
and violently put  Afghanistan into a gender apartheid in which women and girls were stripped from their basic human rights. The Taliban wanted to eliminate women from Kabul because they thought women weren’t worthy or good enough, they hated women and wanted them to be demolished. So many women were abandoned from their everyday routines and forced to leave school and stop getting an education. So many women and girls were kicked out of universities, schools and work. They Were forced to stay home and weren't allowed out if not accompanied by a close male relative. There were no female nurses or doctors so women weren't allowed to go to hospitals because they weren't allowed to be seen by a male doctor.
   The Taliban took many things from the Afghan women but I know for many they haven't taken their pride and what they stand for. The Taliban being in Afghanistan is horrible! No women should be told what to do or in prison for standing up for what they believe in. Every women in the world should be entitled to their rights. The Taliban has taken their tactics way above horrifying when they decided to start beating the women and burning them or stoning them to death. No woman deserves to go to such brutal pain because of what she's wearing or what she believes in. Everyone should stand  up to the Taliban for their education  and being in one harmony instead of being controlled by this one group who has been putting fear Into everyone's hearts.
(Source: Image by Fox News)
    In the book "The Dressmaker of Khair Khana" by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon. The author goes in depth about five sisters and a women named Kamila who risked everything to keep them safe in Kabul while the Taliban were first taking over. Kamila a newly grad student who earned her teaching degree durning the civil war was subsequently banned from school and confined to her home to tend to her five siblings. She had drive and determination and created her own business to keep her family good with the food that they needed to live off of. The Taliban has no remorse as to what you are and if you have a family they just don't care.
   The young girl you see above in this picture was shot in the head by the Taliban for being a activist and supporting education for young girls around Afghanistan. She spread word about education being key and gold to success and being able to show peace with an education. Luckily this young girl survived to continue telling her story and spreading good word to all the young girls in afghanistan.
     We need to stop the Taliban once and for all! They have become dangerous and many innocent women have been dying and been beaten just because they felt like beating them. Violence is never the answer, every women should be entitled to their education and having a job. We need to spread peace, by giving the young girls their education back and showing the Taliban that we are not willing to back down until we get what we deserve which is women's rights back! Having an education would spread peace world wide, being educated is a gift and everyone should be able to have it. No matter what gender, race or color you are. We should all be equal and not under anyone's control.

1 comment:

  1. I think your intro is really interesting and you explain things well
