Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Darfur disaster
              Imagine getting attacked by a very dangerous group of people and having no help at all. Scary isn't it. Well that is what people in Sudan went through. It was a crazy situation. It's sad to hear and see the damage that was caused by an Arab militia. I don't know why anyone would do such a cruel thing.
Darfur men, children and women were slaughtered in Sudan in the year of 2003. The genocide continues to this day. Sudan is the biggest country in Africa. The Arab militia is known as the janjaweed that caused all the killings. The Janjaweed burned villages, raped people, destroyed economic resources and abused civilians. The reason the genocide happened was because, two rebel movements called the Sudan liberation army, and equality movement, took on the Sudanese government about a conflict with the people not being protected from nomad attacks. They attacked government buildings. (United Human Rights Council) The Sudanese government didn't like that at all so they got the janjaweed to attack the Darfur people. The genocide has took away 400,000 lives and displaced 2,500,000 people. 400 villages were destroyed and a large amount of people were left homeless.(United Human Rights Council) In spring of 2005 there was a lower estimate of 63000 to 146000 excess deaths. (JStor, Death in Darfur) “How many more must die, be raped, watch their homes burn, have their livestock stolen, be turned into refugees? What has the world learned from Rwanda? Rather than learning from history, we are allowing it to repeat itself. “Never again” is an empty slogan as “Again and “Again” unfolds. (Marlowe,preface) Many innocent individuals are getting killed for no reason. Hundreds of people are dying each day. Five thousand die every month. (United Human Rights Council) This is an insane amount of deaths. No one is trying to stop the Janjaweed. The government does not even care. The government denies any connection with the janjaweed. People need to find a solution and bring peace to Darfur. We should not let the past chaos repeat itself.
Darfur diaries had many personal stories. “The owner of this house was killed here and so were his wife and kids,” he told us in Arabic. He bent down, slid his stick under a piece of shrapnel, and lifted it up high for us to see and for the camera to record.”This was part of the bomb that hit hit home. It exploded on everything all around.” The piece of shrapnel dropped to the sand, clanging against another bomb fragment. They were all around.” (Marlowe,158) This is bad, bombs are flying everywhere, and
killing famalies as you see from (Source: the quote.There was also a  story where kids were in their classroom, and they a heard a strong boom. It was a bomb that dropped right outside their classroom. The kids were filled with terror in their body. They were scared out their minds. If I was in a situation like this I would be very frightened. This is sad because all the kids are in an area where bombs are falling. They can lose their life at such a young age. There is so much danger in their location. Bombs destroyed a lot of the resources the area had, and it makes things worse for the people since they were already poor. To help students we can send meals, supplies and resources to Sudan. We can also donate money to them. It is important for students to take action and let the people in Sudan know that we care and want to help them. It will benefit the people of Darfur very much.


  1. I think you were not supposed to add a link, also you should of have add more background information, and maybe specific dates for the attacks. Like you tell the reader what is happening, but not why.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, i did tell the reader why the genocide happened, it is in the second paragraph,
